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和書 554118 (110)

ガリレオ [新装世界の伝記] (世界の伝記)
販売元: ぎょうせい


ガリレオ研究 (叢書・ウニベルシタス)
販売元: 法政大学出版局


ガリレオと近代科学の誕生 (原図で見る科学の天才)
販売元: 玉川大学出版部


ガリレオの求職活動 ニュートンの家計簿―科学者たちの生活と仕事 (中公新書)
販売元: 中央公論新社





ガリレオの娘 ― 科学と信仰と愛についての父への手紙
販売元: DHC


During the opening chapters of the book, we are told that Galileo had fathered children out of wedlock -- a practice that was not so unusual during his time. The book is based on letters written by one of Galileo's (illegitimate) daughters to her father. Since his daughter lived her life as a sister, under the watchful eye of her religious colleagues and superiors, it is assumed that the letters from Galileo to his daughter were destroyed for her protection.

The reader learns through the eyes of Galileo's daughter about his love of science, women, and his children. We also learn about his love and repect for the church and the anguish he faces when some powerful members of the clergy cannot understand that that Galileo's love (and perhaps stubborness) for the scientific ``truth" is not meant to be a form of insubordination.

Although details of the daughter's life are kept to a minimum, the few that appear in the letters give the reader a fascinating glimpse of the very impovershed and miserable life of sisters. Their lack of food, heat and comfort are contrasted by the wealth surrounding the male clergy - some of whom come to condemn the work of Galileo.

The contents of the book are fascinating, however, there are two minor drawbacks which have lead me to give it a 4-star rather than the full 5-star rating. First, the prose may be too difficult for non-English speakers since it is written in an old-fashioned style consistent with the period in which the protagosists lived. And second, the book begins to move very slowly near the latter few chapters when Galileo begins to face increasing difficulties with the leaders of the clergy.

販売元: 共立出版


ガリレオは海王星をみていた (ライトサイエンス・ブックス)
販売元: 日経サイエンス社


ガリレオ・ガリレイ―地動説をとなえ、宗教裁判で迫害されながらも、真理を追究しつづけた偉大な科学者 (伝記 世界を変えた人々)
販売元: 偕成社


ガルブレイス 闘う経済学者 (上)
販売元: 日経BP社


巨星が墜ちる直前に日本語版が発刊されて、毎日寝る前に、少しずつ読んで三巻を読み切り、終わった時には大きな喪失感を感じ空虚な気持ちになりました。 ガルブレイスの、大学卒業後からの長い、長い、学問と、政治の世界でのたゆまぬ戦いの記録です。華々しい勝利を獲得したのは全体の中から言ったらほんの一握り、でも彼は倦まずたゆまず巨大な既成勢力に執拗に戦いを挑み続けました。 お茶漬けさらさらの日本人にはまねのできない肉食人種のスタミナを感じますが、でもNever Give Upのエールが私にも聞こえます。

ガルブレイス 闘う経済学者 (下)
販売元: 日経BP社


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