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ミュージック 12932841 (54)

Grosse Pointe Blank


A hit man is getting tiered of his job and intends to retire. In the mean time his last job just happens to coincide with his high school reunion. The local radio announcer is his snubbed girlfriend of how he may have trouble explaining his disappearance and subsequent life. In the mean time he is haunted by the FBI, old assassins, and a rival organization that wants to absorb him.

The first thing that I notice right off with this movie is all the great music in the background. It all seems relevant to the action at the moment. I really liked the driving scenes while playing "Blister in the Sun." I liked the music so much that I bought the two soundtracks. It turns out that I just liked the parts of the songs that are in the movie. However I do not like the complete songs that where on the sound track.

Dan Aykroyd was just playing himself. He is a rival organization and always trying to recruit John Cusack. Their negotiations took on a life of their own. There are many twists and turns.
Will the good guys win?
Who are the good guys?
Are there good guys?
Watch the movie again as it only gets better.

Grosse Pointe Blank
販売元: Buena Vista


A hit man is getting tiered of his job and intends to retire. In the mean time his last job just happens to coincide with his high school reunion. The local radio announcer is his snubbed girlfriend of how he may have trouble explaining his disappearance and subsequent life. In the mean time he is haunted by the FBI, old assassins, and a rival organization that wants to absorb him.

The first thing that I notice right off with this movie is all the great music in the background. It all seems relevant to the action at the moment. I really liked the driving scenes while playing "Blister in the Sun." I liked the music so much that I bought the two soundtracks. It turns out that I just liked the parts of the songs that are in the movie. However I do not like the complete songs that where on the sound track.

Dan Aykroyd was just playing himself. He is a rival organization and always trying to recruit John Cusack. Their negotiations took on a life of their own. There are many twists and turns.
Will the good guys win?
Who are the good guys?
Are there good guys?
Watch the movie again as it only gets better.

Guerilla: Taking of Patty Hearst
販売元: New Video Group


Guitar Method: In the Style of Metallica
販売元: Music. Video Prod.


Guitar Method: Metallica 40 Killer Riffs
販売元: Music. Video Prod.


Guitar Method: Van Halen
販売元: Music. Video Prod.




Guitar Method: Van Halen - 50 Hottest Licks
販売元: Music. Video Prod.


販売元: ビデオアーツ・ミュージック


Guns N Roses Li
販売元: ビデオメーカー


販売元: ユニバーサル インターナショナル


"You Could Be Mine" と "Knockin' On Heaven's Door"が入っていないのは、諦めていたのですが、
"Welcome~" と "Sweet~" の最後の部分が、2,3秒切れています。

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仮想世界 - シューティング/レース/電車ゲーム フライトシミュレータ