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ミュージック 3181091 (42)

All-Time Greatest Hits
販売元: Curb


All-Time Greatest Hits
販売元: K-Tel Entertainment


ALLEZ!OLA!OLE!The Music Of The World Cup
販売元: エピックレコードジャパン



中でも印象的なのは、実際に会場でパフォーマンスもしたリッキー・マーティンの「copa de la vida(cup of life)」。このアルバムに収録されているのはスペイン語ヴァージョン。英語版もシャープな感じでよいが、彼の原点はスペイン語。ラテンのノリにぴったりで、一つの優勝カップを巡っての闘争心を煽る逸品。

アリー・myラブ ~ハート・アンド・ソウル サウンドトラック2 featuring ヴォンダ・シェパード
販売元: エピックレコードジャパン



Obviously, songs used in the telly series Ally McBeal, by Vonda Shepard--sometimes referred to as "the female Boyzone", for her
versatility in covering every old hit tossed her way (and this despite her first two albums having flopped, causing Warner to drop her unceremoniously indeed).

The pleasure is heightened when one knows the songs, not just from the show itself, but from way before. Especially if one knows the originals, or at least has heard others cover it. It is then that one realises how much Vonda does justice to them.

She evidently has a powerful voice, but does even better with the mellow tunes. Check out her versions of "Read Your Mind", "100 Tears Away" and "I Know Him By Heart". Exceeded by her doing "Vincent (Starry Starry Night" and "Baby, Don't Break My Heart Slow". Many would also find the duet with Al Green a particular pleasure.

This Japan Edition has "Hidden Persuasion" added to the fourteen tracks in the UK and US Editions.

Now when will they actually have a lounge with a musician this good playing every night . . .


Alogo Especial Por La Sonora M
販売元: Palladium


Alone in the City
販売元: Tko Coll. Blues


Alone in the City
販売元: Tko Coll. Blues


Alone in the City
販売元: Jazz Door


Along the Road of Dreams
販売元: ASV


Alphabet St. [Analog]
販売元: Warner Bros / Wea


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