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Apocalypse Now
販売元: Paramount


The basic story is that Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando), who was sent to Vietnam (60's era) to correct a problem, now sees the problem differently and has exceeded his authority in the correction. Therefore Captain Benjamin L. Willard (Martin Sheen) is dispatched to dispatch the colonel. In this Joseph Campbell ("The Hero with a Thousand Faces") type adventure, he meets with many situations that help him grow and understand the problem that Colonel Kurtz faced. Will he complete his mission or succumb to the came forces as the colonel in the heart of darkness?

This is basically an updated version of Joseph Conrad's book "Heart of Darkness" with a lot Francis Ford Coppola thrown in. The location is Viet Nam, instead of Africa, and as with any update; they thought it would be more relevant than trying to explain the Congo. Toss in some songs from the 60's era ("The Best of the Doors"- `The End'), and some classics (Wagner - "Die Walkure: Ride of the Valkyries"), and you have a movie. Too bad it is not that easy.

I would not worry too much whether this looks like Vietnam or if certain events really take place, as that is not the point of the picture or the intent of the story telling. The feel of the book was conveyed. And I would not worry if it does not match the book story word for word as this is a different media. If you come away with the question "what would I do if it were me?" it worked.

Not to distract from the movie review, however I was in Viet Nam (1967-1968) in an armed reconnaissance organization. And the Vietnam I was in did not have the surrealistic scenes. We did get to see Bob Hope and Martha Ray "The Big Broadcast of 1938" (1938). Before that I always thought it was a bunch of hype. However it did make a difference having them take the time to go there. So I could see something as weird as the bunny scene happening.

Besides the movie there are the Scenes of the destruction of the Kurtz compound set. They were required to clean up after the movie was made. Coppola says that these scenes were removed from the end of the movie so people did not think that it was part of the story. However I saw this on TV and they left the scenes in and I did think it was part of the story.

Another movie interpretation of, "Heart of Darkness" was made later. Not quite as moving as Apocalypse Now, but you should see it to compare to the original, "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death "(1988). Adrienne Barbeau is Dr. Kurtz.

Apocalypse Watch
販売元: Lions Gate


四月の雪 スーパーライブコンサート:ペ・ヨンジュン Scene in the film (ユニバーサル・セレクション2008年第9弾) 【初回生産限定】
販売元: ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン


四月の雪 スーパーライブコンサート:ペ・ヨンジュン Scene in the film (ユニバーサル・セレクション第6弾) 【初回生産限定】
販売元: ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン


四月の雪スーパーライブコンサート ペ・ヨンジュン -Scene in the film-
販売元: ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン


ぺ・ヨンジュンのファンというよるもK-POPファン必見!必聴!!! ラストのチョ・ソンモには拍手です!これが980円なんて超お買い得です!以前定価で購入した私はちょっとがっかりですが、是非オススメです!

販売元: ユニバーサル インターナショナル


プロモーション・ビデオと言うよりは、ショート・フィルムと呼ぶに相応しい、カラフルでキッチュな映像コレクション。子供の頃読んだ童話のような、良くも悪くも固定観念通りのおとぎ話(アフリカ探検で土人に釜茹でにされたり、海賊船での宝島探しなど)をアクア流に見せてくれます。子供時代のおもちゃの色や手触り、空の色、どこか懐かしい響きのメロディといったノスタルジーが全編を貫いている。Bumble Beeを「アルプスの少女ハイジ」が口ずさんでいたとしても不思議はないだろう。何十年経っても色褪せることがないであろうユニークなアクア・ミュージック。ヴォーカルのLeneのアニメっぽい可愛さも見所。全ポップス・ファンにとっての必須アイテム・永久保存版です。

販売元: ビクターエンタテインメント



Archives De Concert
販売元: Classic Archives


Archives De Concert: Beethoven, Brahms, Falla, Mo
販売元: EMI


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