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ミュージック 575164 (250)

販売元: ポニーキャニオン


Keepin the Blues Alive
販売元: Music Video Distributors


Keeping the Promise
販売元: Questar


Keeping Up with the Steins


Keeping Up with the Steins


Kelly's Heroes
販売元: Warner


Clint Eastwood, you remember him as the Jet Squadron Leader in (Tarantula (1955) ASIN: 6302763835) is now on foot in the military during WWII. He learns that there is a considerable amount of German gold (element number 79, AU, SpecificGrav=19.32 and that is heavy, AtomicWeight=196.9665) in a bank, 30 miles into enemy territory. He must assemble a taskforce of loyal...Oops, greedy soldiers that are capable of recovering the gold before the town is taken by the allies.
Some of the key people are:
Of course Kelly the organizer and instigator, who is Clint Eastwood who played a lab technician in "Revenge of the Creature".
Telly Savalas is Big Joe. Much different than his character in "John Goldfarb, Please Come Home" (1965), where he was a Harem procurer that procured Shirley MacLaine.
One person that did not change is Carroll O'Connor as General Colt who was listening to the progress on the radio and thought that the expedition was an enthusiastic spearhead. He plays General Bolt in "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?" (1966), who looks at aerial photographs and thinks that the troops are in hand to hand combat. (Bolt, Colt, it is still Carroll 0'Connor)
Last for best is Donald Sutherland as Odd Ball the unorthodox tank Commander. See him on the other side or serious side as Faber in Eye of the Needle (1981).

Kelly's Heroes


Clint Eastwood, you remember him as the Jet Squadron Leader in (Tarantula (1955) ASIN: 6302763835) is now on foot in the military during WWII. He learns that there is a considerable amount of German gold (element number 79, AU, SpecificGrav=19.32 and that is heavy, AtomicWeight=196.9665) in a bank, 30 miles into enemy territory. He must assemble a taskforce of loyal...Oops, greedy soldiers that are capable of recovering the gold before the town is taken by the allies.
Some of the key people are:
Of course Kelly the organizer and instigator, who is Clint Eastwood who played a lab technician in "Revenge of the Creature".
Telly Savalas is Big Joe. Much different than his character in "John Goldfarb, Please Come Home" (1965), where he was a Harem procurer that procured Shirley MacLaine.
One person that did not change is Carroll O'Connor as General Colt who was listening to the progress on the radio and thought that the expedition was an enthusiastic spearhead. He plays General Bolt in "What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?" (1966), who looks at aerial photographs and thinks that the troops are in hand to hand combat. (Bolt, Colt, it is still Carroll 0'Connor)
Last for best is Donald Sutherland as Odd Ball the unorthodox tank Commander. See him on the other side or serious side as Faber in Eye of the Needle (1981).

販売元: バップ


ジャズに親しむための 取っ掛かりのDVDが最近VAPより発売され、とてもいいので、推薦したいと思います。’70年代から、マイケル・フランクス(彼もお気に入り)とともに、AORシンガーとしてシーンに現れ、いまも現役で がんばっている、1945年NY生まれのケニー・ランキンのDVDです。

 ’90年代に入ると、 「ビコーズ・オヴ・ユー」、昨年発売のトミー・リピューマのプロデュースCD「ア・ソング・フォー・ユー」と、どんどんジャズ色を強め、 スタンダードやビートルズ・ナンバーを彼のベルベット・テナー・ボイスで甘く歌われると、もう、たまりませんね。 まず音程が正確で、原曲のメロディーを大切にして、そこいらの国産ジャズ・シンガーのように、変にこねくり回すような、とんまなことはせず、フェイクも自然で、センスのよさが際立っています。

 少し値が張りますが、ボーナスのインタヴューも彼の正直な意見が、興味深く聞け、ぜひ見て、聴いてください。なお、サイドでは、ギターはマイルズが使った最初のギタリスト ジョー・ベック、ピアノはビル・オコーネル、ドラムスはキム・プレインフィールド、ベースはデヴィド・フィンクという、いいメンツが、ソロにバックにと、いい味を出しています。

Kenny Rogers Christmas Special (2pc) (W/CD)
販売元: Platinum Disc


Kent Nagano Conducts Classical Masterpiece 1
販売元: ArtHaus


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仮想世界 - シューティング/レース/電車ゲーム フライトシミュレータ