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A Song for Mama
販売元: Pid


While Boyz II Men is best known for their love ballads, two notable exceptions stand out--the ode to friendship "One Sweet Day" sung with Mariah Carey, and the self-explanatorily-titled "Song for Mama".

Yet another made-in-heaven combination of talent--the voices of the four, and the songwriting of Babyface (who also did the keyboards and drum programming).

The simplicity of the lyrics only serves to heighten its poignancy. For anyone whose mother has passed, it could move one to tears (as it did to my best friend).

Without exaggeration, truly a masterpiece.

Song for Mama
販売元: Motown


While Boyz II Men is best known for their love ballads, two notable exceptions stand out--the ode to friendship "One Sweet Day" sung with Mariah Carey, and the self-explanatorily-titled "Song for Mama".

Yet another made-in-heaven combination of talent--the voices of the four, and the songwriting of Babyface (who also did the keyboards and drum programming).

The simplicity of the lyrics only serves to heighten its poignancy. For anyone whose mother has passed, it could move one to tears (as it did to my best friend).

Without exaggeration, truly a masterpiece.

A Song for Mama
販売元: Motown


While Boyz II Men is best known for their love ballads, two notable exceptions stand out--the ode to friendship "One Sweet Day" sung with Mariah Carey, and the self-explanatorily-titled "Song for Mama".

Yet another made-in-heaven combination of talent--the voices of the four, and the songwriting of Babyface (who also did the keyboards and drum programming).

The simplicity of the lyrics only serves to heighten its poignancy. For anyone whose mother has passed, it could move one to tears (as it did to my best friend).

Without exaggeration, truly a masterpiece.

Songs from the Last Century
販売元: Virgin




Songs from the Last Century
販売元: Virgin


Nothing less than excellent.

I disagree with the review by Mike McGonigal, and agree with Robert Burrow's above. Indeed, what is referredto as "lounge music" is CUSTOMARILY sung with UNBRIDLED ENERGY--as, say, the unquestionably-talented Harry Connick Jr does when he desperately tries to fire the audience up. But I personally prefer the SUBDUED-CLASSY style typical of the likes of, say, Laura Fygi--fully aware that many who go into a pub with a partner, sitting on a small table with a meal or drinks, talking quietly under candle or a lamp light, are not there for a show to stir their adrenalin; many of us go for the meal, for the drink, or indeed for the partner, with the music providing the AMBIENCE.

And this is what George Michael achieves with these ten songs, especially "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"and "You've
Changed", and the faster-paced "Secret Love" and "My Baby Just Cares for Me". Even "Miss Sarajevo" is a refreshing variation of U2's original.

Play the album in the car, or while with a partner. Notice LATER how good a time you had, without the music taking centre stage. Then you'll know.

販売元: Warner Bros / Wea


Soul Provider
販売元: Columbia


 大ヒットを記録したオーティス・レディングのカヴァー"(SITTIN' ON) THE DOCK OF THE BAY"を含む前作『いざないの夜』('87) で、ロック・ヴォーカリストから白人R6Bシンガーとしての転身を見事に果たし、スターダムへの足がかりを掴んだマイケル・ボルトンの大出世作。自身の決意漲るタイトルトラック"SOUL PROVIDER"に始まり、"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITOUT YOU"、"HOW CAN WE BELOVERS"、"WHEN i'M BACK ON MY FEET AGAIN"等々、シングルカットされたナンバーが悉く大ヒット。これによりマイケル・ボルトンのシンガー/ソングライターとしての地位は揺るぎないものとなった。コンポーズ/プロデュースではダイアン・ウォーレン、デスモンド・チャイルド、エリック・カズ、バリー・マン、そして演奏にはケニーG、スティーヴ・ルカサー、マイケル・ブレッカー、リチャード・マークスなど、錚々たる面子を迎えた素晴らしいアルバムだ。

Soul Provider
販売元: Sony


 大ヒットを記録したオーティス・レディングのカヴァー"(SITTIN' ON) THE DOCK OF THE BAY"を含む前作『いざないの夜』('87) で、ロック・ヴォーカリストから白人R6Bシンガーとしての転身を見事に果たし、スターダムへの足がかりを掴んだマイケル・ボルトンの大出世作。自身の決意漲るタイトルトラック"SOUL PROVIDER"に始まり、"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITOUT YOU"、"HOW CAN WE BELOVERS"、"WHEN i'M BACK ON MY FEET AGAIN"等々、シングルカットされたナンバーが悉く大ヒット。これによりマイケル・ボルトンのシンガー/ソングライターとしての地位は揺るぎないものとなった。コンポーズ/プロデュースではダイアン・ウォーレン、デスモンド・チャイルド、エリック・カズ、バリー・マン、そして演奏にはケニーG、スティーヴ・ルカサー、マイケル・ブレッカー、リチャード・マークスなど、錚々たる面子を迎えた素晴らしいアルバムだ。

販売元: ソニーレコード


その時に歌った「Without You」、純粋な男の恋心を歌い上げ、他のどんなラブソングと比べても、この曲以上に男性の本心を突いている歌は無いでしょう。

Soul Provider/Time, Love &..
販売元: Columbia


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