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DVD/ビデオ 575324 (312)

Spider-Man 2
販売元: Columbia Tristar


This movie takes up where the first one left off. Peter (Toby Maguire) has fallen on bad times he is a loner happy because he knows as Spiderman he can not have friends including Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst); the bad guys would use his friends as pawns. Everything is going to pot. He loses his job, cant pay his rent, his aunt is on foreclosure, he can not make schedule on anything he does. His best friend is out to get Spiderman. And heaven forbid he is falling behind in school.

Looks like it is decision time between his Spidy personality and Mary Jane Watson.
Which does he chose?
Which would you chose?
Is there a way out of the dilemma?

This film is very slow moving and depressing for at least the first third. They are relying on the reputation of the first Spiderman to carry this almost similar story. When the action picks up that is all it is just action. You may want to fast forward through this as nothing is said or reveled that will have any bearing on the end.

Spider-Man 3


Spongebob Squarepants: Movie (Ws)
販売元: Paramount Pictures


話の筋を一言で言うと、“Mr.Krab率いるKrasty Krab”VS“プランクトンのChum Bucket”でしょうか。
Krasty Krab2号店がオープン!悔しさでいっぱいのプランクトンは、王様の王冠を盗み、それをMr.Krabのせいに。Mr.Krabの汚名を晴らすため、ボブとパトリックは、王冠を取り戻す冒険に出ます!

Sports Beyond Extreme 1
販売元: Program Power Ent


販売元: Delta


Spy Hard


Stalag 17
販売元: Paramount


William Holden does a pretty good job or portraying a prisoner in a stalag during World War II.

Unlike the TV program “Hogan's Heroes” this movie is more serious yet it has its amusing moments. However there is nothing to make this movie stand out past any other stalag escape films. It is more of a time passer.

Maybe the play that this film was based on executed better?

Stalag 17
販売元: Paramount


William Holden does a pretty good job or portraying a prisoner in a stalag during World War II.

Unlike the TV program “Hogan's Heroes” this movie is more serious yet it has its amusing moments. However there is nothing to make this movie stand out past any other stalag escape films. It is more of a time passer.

Maybe the play that this film was based on executed better?

販売元: パラマウント・ホーム・エンタテインメント・ジャパン



販売元: エー・アール・シー


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