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和書 467230 (282)

アトム今昔物語 復刻版 (MFコミックス フラッパーシリーズ)
販売元: メディアファクトリー


I love this book. This edition is how I remember the late great Tezuka Osamu’s tale of the Astro Boy Chronicles.

Tezuka pioneered the concept of “prequel” a la “back to the future” style in this wonderful work which ran on the pages of newspaper Sankei Shimbun for more than two years from January 24 1967 to February 28 1969. In retrofitting, it is amazing to witness how much of the spirits of the turmoil of the ’68 were captured in a manga franchise which originally had its theme set on the sci-fi adventures of an android with the appearances of a young boy.

This version of the tale demonstrated why Tezuka was such a Maestro of manga. The topics he touched upon on would re-surface on the pages of Black Jack and Phoenix later on, but they were told here in an incredible intensity with the setting of the then-current society. The Vietnam war, the arm/nuclear/space competitions of the Superpowers, the race/gender/class clashings which disguised as the human-robot class struggles, etc. were all covered here. But the part I love most is the bitter-sweet everyday-life side of the story which was told here with a certain air of innocence and contingence.

And this is the reason why, unlike some other dated stories in the same series, this specific tale of the Astro Boy is so satisfying. I love the way Tezuka portrayed love, friendship, hope and sadness as we know them in real life. The burden of parental love, the longing for other people’s approval, the quest for one’s own dream, and even the fear of one’s own death [ Astro Boy constantly checked how much he had left with his energy ], just to name a few themes Tezuka covered. But the most poignant part, for me, is the unspoken puberal affection Astro Boy had for the beautiful locust girl. [ I realize that it was quite an oxymoron when one spoke of robot puberty, but that was part of the reason why I said it was poignant. ]

Owing to the fact that the edition here is a direct facsimile reproduction from the newspapers, the quality of the images is inferior in comparing with 豪華愛蔵版. But with 110 pages plus more (674 pages in total) than the revised version and one chapter extra (chapter 4) foretelling the reason of Dr. Tenma’s obsession of (re-)creating Astro Boy, it is more than acceptable for me. Still, I have one important reason more for choosing this edition over the other one. That is, in comparison with 文庫版 back to back, even though 復刻版 may just vary from one single panel to a couple pages, it provided an immediate intensity that was lost in the edited smoothed-out version. This is the very first time we are offered the original rendition.

It is a known story that Tezuka’s Jungle Emperor Leo ( aka Kimba the White Lion ) inspired Walt Disney’s The Lion King ( aka Simba ). But little has been discussed of the similarity in the theme of Steven Spielberg’s Artificial Intelligence: AI and Astro Boy. Spielberg directed the film in tribute to Stanley Kubrick who worked on the concept of the story for almost a decade. It was a long forgotten fact that Kubrick once invited Tezuka to be his art director for his film 2001: A Space Odyssey because he was a huge fan of Astro Boy. I brought this up simply to illustrate the prepossessing characteristic of a tale which was done superbly some 40 years ago.

旅の途中 1 (1) (MF文庫 8-21 本宮ひろ志ダイナマイトロマンシリーズ 2)
販売元: メディアファクトリー


旅の途中 2 (2) (MF文庫 8-22 本宮ひろ志ダイナマイトロマンシリーズ 2)
販売元: メディアファクトリー


旅の途中 3 (3) (MF文庫 9-1 本宮ひろ志ダイナマイトロマンシリーズ 2)
販売元: メディアファクトリー


火の鳥2772 (MF文庫 9-11)
販売元: メディアファクトリー





旅の途中 4 (4) (MF文庫 9-2 本宮ひろ志ダイナマイトロマンシリーズ 2)
販売元: メディアファクトリー


サイボーグ009 1 MFコミックス (MFコミックス)
販売元: メディアファクトリー


Mine bluE 吉崎観音イラスト集 1994-2004
販売元: エンターブレイン








MINED吉崎観音自選イラスト集 (ゲーメストムック Vol. 149 ゲーメストムックワールドシリーズ)
販売元: 新声社


いまや「ケロロ軍曹」で、国民的作家になってしまった作者の画集。ほんと! チャーミングな絵の数々。じゅうぶんにオタクっぽいんだけど、高い大衆性も同時に備えている稀有な才能。なんといっても色使いが華やかです。


Missing road (ミリオンコミックス84)
販売元: 大洋図書



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